Sunday 2 May 2010

The connection we have with spaces from our past.

All these artefacts, if I brought them all together, would they acquire any new meaning? In most instances, a collection of objects all belonging to the same group of people or all from the same period of time would most likely be in a museum rather than a gallery exhibit and would suggest that the group of people in question had done something out of the ordinary.

So, the 'underwater' photographs. I found them to be satisfyingly distorted, something between what is actually there and what can be remembered without actually being there.
As to what to do with the photos now I've got them, I have a few ideas... The main one being to have some big prints of them alongside some of the photos that I was given of the inside before it was redecorated. A sort of clash between reality and memory. The sunny, hazy garden alongside the stability and emptiness of the interior photos - somehow more tangible despite what they show no longer existing . (It being key here that I took the outside ones myself whilst the interior ones were taken by people who are now arguably more familiar with the place than I ever will be again.)

And I could even install them at the canal... That would really create some overlap in the way these places are all connected.

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